
Human Lipase

Pancreatic lipase is an enzyme secreted from the pancreas that uses hydrolysis to break a part fat molecules. Bile salts secreted from the liver and stored in gallbladder are released into the duodenum where they coat fat droplets. Because the droplets are small, their surface area is greater, allowing the lipase to break apart the fat more effectively. The resulting monomers are then moved by way of peristalsis along the small intestine to be absorbed into the lymphatic system by a specialized vessel called a lacteal.

Pancreatic lipase is secreted into the duodenum through the duct system of the pancreas. Normally lipase concentration in serum is very low. Under extreme disruption of pancreatic function, such as pancreatitis or pancreatic adenocarcinoma, the pancreas may begin to autolyse and release pancreatic enzymes into serum. Thus, through measurement of serum concentration of pancreatic lipase, pancreatitis can be diagnosed.

A blood test for lipase is ordered, often along with an amylase test, to help diagnose and monitor acute pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), chronic pancreatitis, and other disorders that involve the pancreas.
Lipase testing is also occasionally used in the diagnosis and follow-up of cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, and Crohn's disease.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know this is not along the lines of your research but an idea I had lead me to this page and I figured I would toss the idea by you.

Essentially Lipase ,or one variety in particular, (this I have not figured out yet) is responsible for releasing body fat from its cellular confines. When required, the enzyme is released, sending a cellular message (not a text lol) breaking down fat cells into there basic constituents, glycerol and fatty acids. It is then released into the blood, which is then absorbed through the membranes of muscle tissue and used as energy.

My idea is simply this, if this enzyme was injected directly in the subcutaneous fat layer on the body, would it not break down fat stores releasing it into the blood?

I would imagine that some could be absorbed and passed through urine and feces, or if not used up quickly turned back into fat cells. If said individual was hooked up to a dialysis machine that specifically filters fatty acids and glycerol from the blood, this could be a cheap, effective and certainly less invasive option to liposuction.

I never studied microbiology much so I may be missing something fundamental here, please feel free to correct me.